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One Step Closer

I just released a second build of Human Subject for playtest.  In this build I've addressed many of the tweek type changes that people have suggested.  I also think I've resolved the Code 4 crash that had to do with the storing/reading floating point numbers while playing on an XBox set to a language that doesn't use the period for the decimal separator.

The other change I made, and probably the biggest, was that I remixed all of the voice audio.  In Human Subject I use a text to speach tool to read dialog at the beginning of each level.  In the first build I was concerned that it sounded muffled and somewhat difficult to understand.  Based on the feedback I received, this was confirmed.  In the original build, I reduced the pitch by 20% and also added a lot of reverb in an attempt to make it sound like the sound was bouncing around a large test chamber.  It was a cool effect, but made it kinda hard to understand.  In the new build I didn't lower the pitch at all and I lowered the reverb by about half and then used an echo for effect.  I think it's much easier to understand now and still has the feel of being in a large space.  Unless the feedback I get says it sounds horrible, this is what I'm gonna ship.

If this round of testing looks good I'd like to move on to Peer Review by the end of the week.  That would give me two weeks to get approved before Comicon in Chicago.  Thanks for stopping by.  Cheers!


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Reader Comments (1)

I tried out your game and it has potential but feels a bit unpolished! My main grief is that the controls feel a bit floaty, I think you should aim for a more precise controller

August 24, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterme

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